[Edd gives in to his tears and begins wailing loudly, burying his face in his knees. If the datapack is used in 1 If you have any interest in how to sell stock music, this website should be your first stop VHS Tape Glitch Animation Sound Effects Play Stop Forward Rewind Eject This pack comes with Outro, Subscribe and Like Reminder Producer Hive is a participant in the Amazon Producer Hive is a participant in the Amazon. Sarah: What the heck was that?! C'mon, say it like you mean it! You’re a bloodthirsty scourge of the seven seas, silly!Įdd: Beloved parents, by the time you read this, I will be long – uh, far… Oh dear…Įdd: Dearest Mother and Father, it is with great shame…Įdd: … That I regretfully confess to…Įdd: … I regretfully confess to my involvement in the inexcusable… unconscionable… reprehensible… abhorrent… detrimental… detestable… Immoral! Thoughtless! Hurtful!!! Jimmy: Okay! Arrr! Avast ye, barnacle-bitten bully! For I, the dread pirate, Keelhaul Crookshank, will swash your buckle, and yardarm your sea-leg!