Arguably everyone who has a Facebook account uses Facebook Messenger to chat with friends and families because of some of its unique features like Chat Heads, Messenger Rooms, and others. Return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Facebook Messenger is one of the most popular Instant Messaging apps both on Android and iOS. Message = "Woah! " + ex.Message.Trim().Trim('.') + "!" Īwait this.HandleSystemMessage(activity) Message = "Looks like you didn't say anything." Var text = await bing.GetTextFromAudioAsync(wav) //takes path+filename to WAV file, returns text Var bing = new MicrosoftCognitiveSpeechService() //gets the path + filename Var converter = new AudioFileFormatConverter(mp4, wavFolder) Var wavFolder = Utils.GetHomeFolder() + WebConfigurationManager.AppSettings Var mp4 = voice.GetLocalPathAndFileName() Message = "Send me a voice message instead!" // no voice file found await SendReply(activity, "The type of your voice file is " + voice.ContentType)

IncomingFacebookVoiceMessage voice = null If (activity.Type = ActivityTypes.Message) Public async Task Post(Activity activity)

SendReply() is not included, just use the standard way of sending messages to the user. Use Microsoft's samples as a starting point, and modify them as necessary. MicrosoftCognitiveSpeechService is not included. Sends the WAV file to Bing Speech API to convert speech to text.Converts MP4/AAC audio file to WAV using open-source FFMPEG library.